Sunday, August 10, 2008

Sunday Evening Update

It is Sunday evening and I am listening to Howard Shore scores. It rained for a few minutes, heavy thudding drops, the thick full plops burst against my skylight, leaving a dramatic splatter, and an even more dramatic echo throughout the loft area.

This weekend was surprisingly normal. I am working on making peace with normal. I doubt that all this self-induced drama is good for my future or my complexion.

Yesterday I had my hair thinned out, still trying to recover from helmet hair courtesy of my last hair dresser. I have tragically perfect hair, how hard can it be to cut?

I've nearly finished reading Twilight, which is fairly good for a teenage saga. I'm getting too old to read these sagas, and perhaps too old for the Miley Cyrus song I just uploaded to my iPod.

Today I took a lovely picture of a pinecone in the grass. It was staring at me. Saying "wouldn't I make a lovely image?" and I said "I've heard that one before, and then you switch the lighting and textures, by the time your image gets onto my computer it's unfixable." But something told me to try once more. And I am glad I did. I'm rather happy with the outcome.

Tomorrow means RedDot, and a full day of work. I'm excited to go in. I love my job. I only hope my boss thinks I am progressing as he hoped.

One more week then it's road trip time. I am looking forward to the open road and the peace and quiet of the Black Hills.

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