Thursday, July 31, 2008

A-Z Gratitude

I was reading a chapter from The Creative Family about gratitude. I love the idea of remembering my blessings, as sometimes I can be greedy and grouchy at my lack of...

The author suggests using a scrap of brown paper to write the letters A-Z and then by each letter, listing something your grateful for. I thought I would try this quickly before my laptop battery dies:, B-Blueprint Magazine, C-Cascading Style Sheets, D-Domino Magazine,, F-Family, G-Goodwill, H-Heather (my sister), I-Ice Cream, J-JQuery (opens a new world of interactivity), K-Khakis (they match everything), L-Love (I've got tons and tonnes), M-Money (it smells good), N-Namaste, O-Onion (favorite satire), P-Payton (my first daughter who made us a family), Q-Quality Time (alone or with friends), R-Rest (from negative thinking), S-Samantha (who got my old job and was excited about it!), T-Tiffany&Co. Turquoise boxes, U-Umbrellas, V-Venus, W-Windsheild wipers, X-X's and O's, Y-Yangtze River, Z-Zebra stripping.

Now let's flickr it:

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